Re: mh is right on!
I know lots of people on social security disablity ( as a matter of fact I would say 25% or better of the people in my town are on it) and they will not take or do anything that will help them get healthy enough to get of it and earn a living. I have allways suspected this and I have actually heard a few say if I do that I might lose my disabilty. I tell you this is some country we live in. These people (at least the ones I know and see, can go the the doctor, dentist, eye doctor when ever they feel like it for what ever little thing and us working people pick up the tab. As a matter of fact most of these doctors, dentist and what ever just love these people cause it is good money for them, state pays it. They got them coming in constantly for this check up or that test or what ever they are milking the system just as much if not more than the supposed disabled ones. It is enough to make you puck!!!!! It is funny kinda to watch some of them they do just fine when nobody is watching or they forget, then all of a sudden they start limping or what ever they need to do to BS people for there check and free drugs. And most of them are on a whole sh*t pile of them. I tell ya what a messed up system we got. The ones I know sit around and watch tv all day go out to eat all the time, they get heat assistance, free this free that and boy don't do anything or say anything about them or your dicrimanting agaisnt them and they will turn YOUin get that you the one that works and pays into the messed up system so they can be a big **s load. I realize there are some who are not like this but very few at least in my part of the counrty.
my 2 cents on the subject
and 62 if you don't like this forum and us so called MH groupies then get off it and go somewhere else cause you are not going to change our minds