Since the last folks haven't been back here in 5 plus years, it looks like we'll have to keep things going here. I just ran across this forum myself and it's a great read for any type of skull folliculitis issues. I've got what was diagnosed as psuedofolliculitis barbaer. Yet, I don't think the type matters so much as the bacterial (most likely staphylococcus aureus) or fungal problems which occur as a consequence. So it seems to me the determining factor in control is how far along the infection is; regarding its resistance to Antibiotics . After it is controlled however, the underlying issue is still untreated. But, as many have said before, definitely better than the bloody pillow. I will also be giving rots success story a try first since he was able to stop the Antibiotics and maintain control with simple alcohol wipes! Hopefully it's the only one I will have to try as far as control goes. If all goes well, I will try the wipes and cortisone to maintain. Cortisone b/c I've yet to hear of a cure for psuedofolliculitis which doesn't involve removing the hair follicle. I'll stay posted.