My wife went to her doctor about a week ago about the results of a test that she did and they ended up talking about me. He gave her two containers of BENZA CLIN a topical gel for me to try on my after shave pumps. It cleared the pumps! and coincidently ROT joined our group and shared with us how he met with this Dermatologist in Japan who gave him Clindamycin and Isopropyl Alcohol and Kizzy who always looks out for us and asks about the questions that everyone else avoids to ask; the combinations and doses and how long you should be on it.
BENZA CLIN is a combination of Benzoyl Peroxide and clindamycin which are used to treat acne. You need a doctors prescription and we may not need probably to use ROT's for now until we know the exact combination and doses.
If I shave my head and put on the Benza Clin on the pumps on my neck I think it might work as it did on my face.