Re: Emotional Swings and Parasite Cleansing
Thanks u guys for the help.
I do have great news. After yesterday I was not too fatigued but today was awful. Now I know why I just passed a ton of stuff. I did up the aresonal. I know..I went against advice some. I did cut down on the ACV just seemed like I needed it.
Not sure what I passed I am sure it is ascarias but it is all degraded...smelly...and for some reason green??? I have no idea why some of it would have a shade of green. A slimy green. Could have been the pumpkin seeds but the days before it was not that color. Maybe the two charcoal tabs earlier yesterday. I am almost 98 percent positive it was worms and not just junk...the texture etc. The smell..?? (Sorry TMI)
I added a few things and stopped the Psyllium and
Bentonite down to once a day.
For the last day or few
I reduced the garlic to two cloves chewed
clarkia once a day...a whole dropper full
Wormwood mix 6 pills a day (new)
Papain pills (new)
Pumpkinseed oil pills 1000mg 3 times a day
1 dose of cayenne a day
A handful of pumpkinseeds before bed
I today started Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth as well. Although I just started that at 3 I doubt it acted that fast.
Clarkia is almost gone...when my other supplement is gone I am going to continue with just
Diatomaceous Earth
Pumpkinseed Oil
Papain Pills
Pumpkin seeds
Yesterday I also did the 5gms of CoQ10 but if this was a
Tapeworm it doesnt look like the picture. Could have been??
Just going to continue...because I was tired also before all this so it is hard to say if it is all "die off". I am probably full of tons of toxic metals...and from being on so many psych meds for years...still take a couple..but from what I am on now it is no comparison.
I do plan on getting the "arginine and ornithine" ASAP but for now just drinking lots of water and not doing much physical activity.
I am sure my liver needs assistance and I can work on that later. Last time 3 years ago I did a
Liver Flush I remember being sick for a week. I cant have that happen right now. I am just supporting the liver with milk thistle for now.
I am happy to finally see some results. I did see some early on with the "pineapple fast" and I would love to try that on the full moon next week but the roof of my mouth is raw and I don't own a juicer or blender right now that works.
Thanks again for the friendly advice.