Re: A great article about being a former vegan and making changes
Mikey, I keep pressing this info because a lot of the info I researched is not known to even experienced vegheads! I had no idea about these biggest plant-based diet mistakes. I did a stint of veggieism a long time ago and it wasn't really working out for me and I felt somewhat lied to from that lifestyle and led me to start eating all the way in the other direction of high-meat/low-carb style which led me to all the lovely health problems I came here looking for answers. Fortunately my main health problem and a few minor ones have now been cured by going back to a plant-based diet.
I look back and saw I did all of those top mistakes on my veggie diet at the time, ate too much fat, too much junk food vegan stuff, and not enough variety of whole fruits and veggies. I'm not sure how many calories I was averaging since there weren't any calorie-counting apps back then, but wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't meeting my calorie needs, so it wasn't being vegetarian that was inherently the problem, I was doing the diet very poorly.
If you don't know the breakdown of what you're actually eating, it's unfair to blame the diet, which ever diet it is.