@ Faith110:
I know how you feel about eating meat and perceiving it as murder. The real trauma here is in a lot of misunderstanding created in our society as most of us live in urban world and the only animals we know are CAFO animals. The trauma is not between you and meat, it's between you and the ideas that your were given.
I view coming back to eating animal meat and fat as a challenge to the ego and pride - to continue going in the wrong direction to save the face, or actually be able to admit a mistake and correct it no matter what other people think. Well, you managed to make a change for something better! Reward yourself! Why worry about opinions of others? There would be always somebody who is aggressive and unkind because people always hate those who think differently.
I hope what I will tell you about animals will make you feel better and give your some facts to handle battles with vegans who are trying to attack you. Sorry, it's gonna be long :)
I hope this post would also be useful for those who strive to protect animals, or those struggling with the moral dilemma about meat eating.
I was a vegan, but I did it because I thought it would be better for my health. And I happened to be wrong about it. Interestingly, the whole vegan movement in the West is actually based on many lies, it's crazy what they tell people. This post is for everybody who have been listening to all these vegan ideas.
IMHO, eating chicken, turkey, ducks, geese and also fish and other seafood does not involve any psychological abuse or torture of these animals. And should not be a moral dilemma. And here is why.
In my childhood I spent a lot of time at my Grandparents' farm in rural Eastern Europe and observed a lot things regarding animals: how they live, how they are treated and how they are killed. My Grandparents kept pigs, sheep, chicken and ducks, as well as two cats and a dog. Our neighbors kept a cow and chicken, other neighbors kept goats, geese and turkeys.
I have never seen animals being abused or mistreated, they were actually almost like pets. They were well fed, they walked freely, people talked to them and never beat them, or mistreated them in any way.
Killing of the animals. Cows and pigs do feel their upcoming death and grieve it and get really scared about being killed. They sense it. Them being killed is a really disturbing and horrifying thing to see and it takes them several minutes to die because they are big animals. That is one of the reasons I don't want to have beef even now.
Cows are very intelligent animals and I believe that they are sometimes even more intelligent than dogs. They go to pasture every morning - they leave their home, go in the street where they join other cows from neighbor's homes and then cows from the whole village all go to meet at the meadows where they graze. They are trained to do that since they are young. In the evening they come back by themselves, each cow knows where her home is and can recognize her owners.
Cows that are kept in home farms are not suffering from being milked, they actually want to share their milk with their owners because they are very loving creatures and that's how they show their love to humans. Just like dogs give us their undivided attention and devotion and play with us and bring us a ball, or like cats who purr to us. I saw it with my own eyes, a cow licks her owner while she milks her. Milking is not painful for them if they are healthy.
Contrary to a vegan belief, a cow does not have to get pregnant all the time to give milk. A young cow gets pregnant when she "feels" the time is right :) and mates with one of the bulls in their herd, and then, she gives birth to a calf and starts producing milk. Before that she does not have milk. She has more milk than her calf requires and that's what people get - the surplus milk. Nobody is stealing milk from the calf. A cow lovingly gives her milk to her calf and to her owners. She does not guard her milk during the whole time period when she is feeding her calf. Then, after the calf is old enough to eat grass, the owners continue milking their cow and she continues to give milk, another pregnancy is not required for milking and milking does not hurt the cow. If for example, a woman who has a baby continues to give milk to a baby, she can continue giving milk for several years, she does not need to get pregnant for that. It's all a vegan myth.
So, I do feel, that it's morally wrong to eat beef. Cows already deserve our thanks for their devotion and love and milk. Plus, when they graze at pastures, they help the grass to grow more and enhance soil bacteria. That's how they serve the planet. I don't think that keeping cows for meat is a wise idea, I believe they should be kept for milk. But that's just my idea.
Pigs. Pigs are intelligent as well, and are great nature's "garbage disposals". They just love to eat all the garbage they can find. And I kind of believe that's how they serve the Earth - they help to keep it clean. Humans produce tons of garbage, pigs clean it up. So, who is the pig here?:)
Some people eat pigs. I don't. Pigs are smart animals, so it feels like eating a dog really. Plus, pigs eat garbage. You don't want to eat garbage. Millions of Muslims, Jews, Buddhists don't eat pork saying it's a religious belief. I think religion just kept a wise tradition. Both beef and pork (as well as fresh-water fish) are sources of tapeworm. Chicken, turkey, or ocean fish do not have that potential. Religions prohibit eating pork and beef for a very solid reason! Millions of people cannot be idiots for centuries. Too bad, we don't pay attention to their advice...
Chicken, turkeys, ducks and geese. Their meat does not give humans
Tapeworms or parasites. They are safe to eat. As well as ocean fish.
I never saw chicken being scared before they were killed. If with cows and pigs it looked like a horrifying murder, with a knife to their throats, chickens did not exhibit any fear before that and I doubt that they have mental capability to understand that they are being killed. I doubt that they could feel any pain as it is just a quick death. They get decapitated and die in seconds. So, chicken and other birds, like ducks, geese and turkeys are not being tortured in any way and do not go through fear or anxiety as big animals. Hey, knowing how many humans die from chronic and degenerative diseases in pain, I'd rather die like chicken :) than in pain and suffering for years. sorry for being crude.
Fur. Would not wear it as it is stripped from live animals and it's just gruesome and horrible. Fur, or leather was never produced where I lived. And I believe in earlier times, fur was made from dead animals, now for some reason they take it from live ones, how sick!
Wool. I cut wool from a sheep with special scissors by hand and it does not hurt a sheep. It's just getting a haircut:) Vegan idea about wool is a myth.
Dawn and feathers. Taken from chicken or goose right after they died, no pain or plucking alive involved.
Moral aspect. There is a system in Eastern religions about karma and reincarnation. The idea is that all souls evolve from less developed creatures to more developed creatures. We live many lives, always in different bodies and go from less developed to more developed: minerals, plants, animals and then humans. Higher animals, like cows, pigs, dogs, horses are very developed evolutionary speaking. For killing them and eating them, you get seriously bad karma. For eating shrimp, fish or chicken you get little bad karma. The more intelligent is the animal the more bad karma you get by killing it.
So, in that case, would you feel better if I told you that fish, shrimp, oysters and poultry isn't so bad morally?
But in some cases a serious life-threatening anemia can only be cured with beef only. Or, in some cases people just don't have anything else to eat, but their cattle, like during wars. I honestly believe that a human life and human health is more important than keeping an animal alive. And karma laws are not that rigid, it's all a matter of a particular person and particular situation.
Anyway, we accumulate bad karma every day, we use electronics that were produced by child labor. We drive cars that use too much gas. It's impossible to stay without accumulating karmic debts, you go outside and step on an insect, or run over a deer on a road. That's all bad karma. It happens all the time. We can't avoid it. A vegan attacking a meat eater and hurting him/her with their words is just as bad of a karma as eating meat, I believe. Not taking care of your health is bad karma too, it's negligence.
I study Ayurveda now and it teaches us that there are no things in this World that could be absolutely bad or absolutely good, there is nothing perfect either. Meat eating is bad for someone, but can save another person from getting ill. It makes it neither good nor bad.
Hey, Mother Nature gave us our body and we owe it to Her to keep it healthy and if it needs animal fats and protein, then there should be nothing immoral about. Vegan propaganda is immoral, it destroys people's minds and bodies, it's just wrong.
here is a great video by Lierre Keith, ex-vegan. She tells why the whole vegan idea is wrong for us and for the planet.
Hope this info helps.