A great article about being a former vegan and making changes
This is an article I came across recently, written by a woman who was vegan for many years. Her story is very similar to my own, and many others I know concerning how she felt great on this diet but then began to slowly lose energy and become miserable over the years. She listened to her body and made the change before anything serious happened. I wish I would have done the same.
She is not an AF sufferer, but she speaks of the importance of listening to our bodies, and how the stigma of "eating perfectly" truly affects us psychologically. I had intense cravings for animal products for 2 years prior to falling ill with AF, but I bitterly fought these cravings because in my mind it was wrong to want them. I am an animal lover, and I also believed that I had been eating the most perfect and wholesome diet. It was mental warfare every time my body would scream for a chicken leg, while my mind would punish me for feeling this way. What would my vegan friends think?? If I ate these animal products I would be failing myself and the animals that I love.
This went on for years before my body fell victim to AF and protein catabolism to the point that I was wasting away and had to start eating meat to save my own life. I believe that the psychological anguish that I went through fighting with myself to stay on a diet that I believed to be perfect which was a big part of my social circle actually contributed to my AF, along with the nutritional deficiencies I was found to have.
Like she says in the article, there is no perfect way for everyone on this Earth to eat. Just like animals, there are some who need meat and others who don't. I always say this.
It was so hard for me to start eating meat again, and to be honest I still have a hard time with it. But I am now out of the catabolic state that I was in and I am out of bed. I believe that there was mental trauma created behind it, and I am training my mind to let go of the guilt and accept that this is what I need to be well.
I'm not knocking the vegans.The only fault that I find with them is the bullying techniques that they utilize to try and convert people to their ways. I am also guilty of this in the past, and used to drive my non-vegan friends and family crazy with my guilt trips and fact spewing. They eventually stopped wanting to eat around me!
I felt great as a vegan for a good while, and I believe that it is a good diet for the right metabolic type. Some of us are just not made for it, just like some are not made to eat meat. It's important not to beat yourself up over it. You were made the way you were made and that is that.
This is not a personal attack against anyone. I know that many here, like myself are former vegans, and many are considering going vegan. I am all about healing, so whatever works for you and your unique blueprint is wonderful for you.
And for those who are former vegans and struggling with the change, I feel your pain :)
Here is the article :
I hope that one day we can all stop arguing about which way is best and become truly supportive of one another, even if our opinions don't always agree. The bottom line is that we are all here to heal, and that is what is most important. How each one of us gets there is our own story.