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Re: Some help perhaps?
nyckid10 Views: 3,250
Published: 12 y
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Re: Some help perhaps?

This is a great explanation!

I was running on pure adrenaline and I thought I was doing "fine" when I was in school all day, crammed for tests all night, all the while doing coffee enemas, infrared saunas, parasite cleanses, taking antifungals, etc.

My body was in a constant high cortisol state until May of 2012 when the stress load from school and the detox load from my body was too much and my adrenals couldn't keep up with my body's cortisol and adrenaline demands.

Then came the severe crash and I haven't been the same ever since. Lam's protocol got me better for a couple of months but then I crashed big time again...mainly because the source of inflammation was still inside my body.

The trick is to detox but give your body breaks inbetween to be able to replenish it's adrenal reserves so it can deal with the stress and inflammation.

But we don't understand this until we can't move, sleep, eat, without going into a panic attack. Unfortunately, our bodies give us the ability to cope with the high amount of cortisol it produces then BAM OUT OF NO WHERE no more production and we feel like we want to die.


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