Re: Some help perhaps?
Hi there, fatigue is caused by inflammation. That is what fatigue is. Just like when you have the flu, your inflamed and you want to sleep all the time. You need to find the source of the inflammation. I was fortunate enough to have access and money to afford one of the best doctors in the country. He has been able to explain everything that is going on with me and it has nothing to do with clearance issues, retracing, tolerance or any of that. I have
food allergies that sets my immune system off so that it sends out a whole army of attackers and is always on, causing a lot of inflammation. Also I have low ferritin iron, basically like a car engine without oil. Because of low ferritin my cells are not creating enough energy. So my body is running off of it's secondary system which is adrenaline, which also causes a ton of inflammation. And yes it is in your head to a certain degree. HPA Axis dysregulation. Your brain is having a hard time sending the signals and making the connections it needs to make because of the inflammation. Including signals to your adrenals for cortisol. Anyways it is chronic inflammation that causes most of the symptoms we experience and once inflammation hits the brain it takes a long time to stop the inflammation signaling process in your brain.Your brain basically reads inflammation as a danger signal. My doctor says your brain reads it like your hands and feet are tied together and you are being chased by a tiger. My doctor gave me a prognosis of a year to two years depending on how quickly my iron comes up, and how long it takes for the inflammation from
food allergies to calm down (which is also a very long process). I have hit the halfway mark so am about on target for a two year journey. But I will say that a lot of the symptoms that I once had are gone. No more anxiety for the most part, no heart palps, no passing out, no muscle wasting and I have gained 10
pounds back. I can take walks with my kids. Some waves of fatigue but not always. Sleeping on my own for the most part. Sometimes waking up early but can go back to bed. The
Depression hits on and off. But I know when it happens it is because I did something that has increased my inflammation . I am pretty sure I would be much further along in my progress had I taken some of the meds that he had prescribed me, but have an irrational fear of them. He even says he has to handle me with kid gloves and that there is no need to suffer the way that I do. I have ventured out and taken some of the medication and some of it has helped. Anyways just a few things that I have learned. I am not 100%, but feeling more like it is now possible and more optimistic about it. Like I said I think that I could be further along like other people I know who are using medication and back to work and life. But I know it is a very personal choice and journey. I would like to help others as I have spent quite a lot of money for this knowledge and I hope that it can help someone to give them hope.