Re: Some help perhaps?
Dude, could it be that this might just be a bit of an emotional breakdown after the severe detox and your body just giving you a sign you need a break? I think there is such a place for emotional support, and because daily counselling isnt really affordable the SSRI route might help. Not the SARI Traz at the dose you are taking, but an SSRI like Lexapro? I look back and think that if i had started a course two years ago when it was first suggested I probably wouldnt be in this mess now. I say this, but im looking at my rx that i havent cashed yet thinking it might just get better! Should really practice what I preach. As I said, get you brain chemisty sorted, get on NB, lots of counselling,medidation, tapping etc and im sure it will help. Im with you as this is my plan now
I know what the emotonal turmoil is, ive just had another of my daily crashes that was more intense this time (I had to walk to the store five minutes away and boom put me into a crash)and ive already been awake for 4 days now. I have been crying for the past hour. No one to hear it,you feel so alone pretty much want to die. has some really helpful videos, they are on youtube as well..but you have to commit to it, at least 30-40 minutes a day..I didnt see much help because everytime i just ended up in a crash...