Re: Magnesium, worse fatigue?
I realize that this was posted years ago, but I'm going to reply anyway, in case someone else is having the same problem.
Magnesium is definitely the reason for your sudden fatigue. I would know, magnesium nearly killed me (I have adrenal insufficiency as well). Most people with adrenal problems have difficulty producing enough aldosterone, the hormone that regulates the amount of blood in our bodies. This results in low blood volume. If you are also dealing with some sort of blood parasite, (again, like me), the blood loss can be tremendous. To ensure that the brain and vital organs recieve enough blood supply, the body constricts the blood vessels to a smaller size, so the blood doesn't pool in the legs. When magnesium is taken, the blood vessels dilate. This results in a very relaxing effect in people who have enough blood to fill the now larger blood vessels, but in people like us it can result in fainting, severe fatigue, and if enough is taken, coma, heart failure, and death. When I took magnesium I fainted within 30 minutes, couldn't form coherent sentences, and lay in a coma-like stupor for a few hours before sleeping for a full 27 hours straight. Keep in mind that even in healthy people magnesium overdose results in coma and heart failure. If you're looking for something to support your adrenals, I've had success with vitamins C & E, the B-complex vitamins (nutritional yeast is great for this--try "Kal" brand), bee pollen (excellent for energy), and adaptogenic herbs like licorice and eleuthero root (check, they have them both for cheap and a lot of information on the two). Also be sure your consuming enough salt, as low aldosterone will cause salt wasting. At least a teaspoon a day is recommended for low blood volume. I would use a good quality
Sea Salt , or himalayan pink. You can add it to soups, or dissolve bits of it in the water you drink throughout the day. I hope this helps!