Please help!
Please help me
4 months ago i took a test which showed i had candida, and blasto hominis along with no levels of acidophilus in my intestines, since then the doctor put me on a strict paleo diet for four months, on a course of anti biotics to rid the blasto and then some anti fungals, (nystatin and ketoconazole) for the candida. I have been going through hell for about 5 years now and spent alot of money on the past 4 months thinking it was going to help me. I was just retested and it shows everything has gotten worse, the candida has not improved and i now also have enterobacter clocae and citrobactger brakki at pathogenic levels, which means im worse off than when i started this stupid diet! I have been drinking kefir every day for the past month, taking VSL3 probiotics and also just introduced s boulardii. Oh and the triple therapy
Antibiotics i took which made me feel terrible did not kill the blasto!
I need help from someone who has gone through someone simmilair. I honestly feel like killing myself, i have been ill since i was 18 and missed out on so much of life, im 22 years old now, i still feel like a teenager inside because i never had a chance to grow up. With these test results i feel like all my direction has gone. The doctos say to carry on following a strictly paelo, no carb, no fruit diet, along with long term antifungals but i dont know weather to carry on any more because the worse test results have made me loose hope
This is a huge cry for help, i need help from people who have beat this as apposed to people going through it, when im better i promise i will help countless people like me to keep the karma moving.
Please just help, solid advice, plus in depth questions so i can let you know what ive done so you can give me the best advice
My symptoms are: huge brain fog/depression/gas/contsant muscle twitching/chronic fatigue/constnat moving sensation in bowles