Hunter, Hunter, Hunter.....
First of all, I know this is a debate forum, but you have exceeded the allowed nastiness by utilizing the soap box solely for the personal namecalling of another poster. Bad.
Secondly, you are taking a lot of liberties by posting what you think or what you would like the forum rules on Christianity Biblical Forum to be. However NONE of what you have said is factual and furthermore, you are in no way authorized to define the forum rules, any forum rules for that matter, unless you happen to have your own forum somewhere. In the meantime, you are impersonating a Moderator, which you are not. Therefore, cease and desist!
As a side note for your enlightment and edification, fasting is very much a part of the life of a practicing Christian, and although the Bible warns against "boasting", there certainly is nothing wrong with sharing with others what is being gained spiritually from its practice.
As far as MST, what he discusses on his new forum would certainly have been at home in CB, as it is within the scope of the forum. However, since he requested a separate forum and the Webmaster complied, then all the rest of us can, should do, is desire him blessing and success in whatever he endeavors.
I propose these things be meditated on with all seriousness, for if there isn't a wholy holy, superdupernatural, change of heart here, then those little buttons are going to start clicking.