Re: The Healing Codes
Everything you are doing is absolutely perfect in doing the Healing Code. I would add one thing (if you like) - It is very powerful, to say out loud, a "prayer" or "request" (it can be one wrod - like - HELP)
Then while you are doing the code - letting your heart guide you - focus on the ideal condition you want for yourself vs. what is bothering you.
Give that a try and see what happenes. Everything else you are doing is a prefect interpretation of what you should so.
There are many people who like to go after early images. There are many people who must rate things and watch their progress. Those are all "head" activities. WHat you are doing is coming from your heart and that is the most important place.
Often times, people with serious stress that has lead to serious dis-ease, go deeper with the program. But thousands of people around the world have improved their lives and health using the book.