Re: The Healing Codes
I agree the 800 bucks is ridiculous, and undermines their legitimacy.
But i have just received an offer by e-mail to buy it for 199.- bucks. Or one payment of 99.- and a next payment of 100.-
So i wouldn't dish out 800, if it's available at considerable discount.
Maybe they are starting to see their price point is way to high.
I have more problem with the sleazy copywriting of the offer,
First it's "scientific" and none of the "mystical" stuff, and next thing he receives a Divine revelation, or Beatific vision, which revealed the codes to him.
But that doesn't mean it can't work.
AFT, and Mercola's MTT (which is a simplified modern version of it) are practiced by countless graduate licenced psychologists/psychotherapists, they all say " i accomplish more in a week than i did by conventional psychotherapy in 20 years!!!"
The reason I started searching on this Healing Codes, is it seems much simpler, so it would be easier to practice in public etc. Altho the AFT recommend to do it everywhere any time, it's really not practical to do that.