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Woo, coffeebouncing!
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Published: 13 y
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Woo, coffeebouncing!

The problem with drinking coffee, hon, is that it is diluted with bile once drunk, and there's nothing for the intestines to hold onto in it (Fiber) so that your insides will pull all the /very good/ stuff out of it. You end up exciting the intestinal track into speeding up and dumping the food you ate before the coffee, and in a more literal sense, rob yourself of nutrition rather than absorb it.

A craving for bitter foods like green pepper comes when you combine it with the right items. ;) For example, a salty meat, a tomato pasta sauce, a mayonaise sandwich- all those are of the sort that will taste good with green pepper because of the salt <3

Coffee is rich in malic acid, magnesium, nictonic acid (vitamin B3), and many trace minerals. It is one of the reasons folk use coffee in colonics, but the amount you use (2 tablespoons or one espresso shot to about 1 and 1/2 to 2 quarts of liquid) helps more to /hydrate/ the body than it does to /dehydrate/ it like when you drink it. When you put it in your mouth, it pulls water and electrolytes to the intestinal track to push it out.

The whole coffee colonics thing is about changing out the mucosal lining (intestinal plaque) in the colon. General lifestyle questions, and P&B shakes are something a little less red-faced of a business than colonics. I imagine some folk certainly use them side by side though, because P&B shakes require a lot of water intake!

Do lemme know how it goes with the olive oil footsoak, and lotsa warm wishes this season <3


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