Day 26- end fast and some questions
Hi all, first post. I've found this forum a useful resource while fasting.
Just ended my fast on day 26. I only meant to do 3 days- the longest I've fasted before was 7 days, and that was decades ago.
I feel a bit disappointed that I might have ended too soon. I still have my symptoms- acid reflux and numb feet to name two. I found out during the fast I had a bedbug infestation, and I don't know if this can happen, but the stress of the thought of being bitten, and having to organise fumigation and so on, I think it might have thrown me out of the fasting mode. Can this happen? It felt like I needed to have food energy to deal with the problem.
I had fizzy/ frothy urine as a symptom throughout the fast. What causes this? To be honest, it started to worry me. Also, I read some dire warnings about long unsupervised fasts, and this made me worry too. I think this was another reason I ended the fast.
I don't have a juicer, so I broke my fast on melon.
Cheers all!