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Re: Your Hypoglycemia may not be Hypoglycemia, but Toxic Hunger!

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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natway Views: 41,897
Published: 13 y
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Re: Your Hypoglycemia may not be Hypoglycemia, but Toxic Hunger!

You are misinterpreting. This if for people who think they have hypoglycemia, but really have Toxic Hunger instead. It's not for people who actually have hypoglycemia (confirmed with a simple glucose meter) in which they most likely need to increase their intake and quality of animal protein.

If what you have is actually Toxic Hunger (which is what I had the whole time), eating a diet higher in meat is what's causing this Toxic Hunger feeling which symptoms mimic hypoglycemia, except that your blood Sugar levels aren't going low.



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