Re: Panic, hyperventilation and perpetuation of anxiety. (last post on this topic...maybe)
If I seem to fail to pay attention to the things other people say, could it be that I am less inclined to absorb useful information, and so will trend towards being ignorant? If I don't pay attention to what others say and try to push my agenda, could it be that I am a dog with a bone, overfocusing on the thing that's got me excited? Won't I then have a warped perspective, one that's too colored by the thing I'm excited by? And if I have a warped perspective, maybe people shouldn't pay attention
to me?
You're not paying attention.
You have an urgent need to convince others of the importance of hypoglycemia, and it's warping you,
and — now think about this, pay attention —
you're not actually convincing anyone. Which means the only thing you're doing when you talk at people about hypoglycemia is acting out your feelings, not accomplishing anything.
At least that's my perspective. Every time you yank the topic back to "Oh, oh, oh, hypoglycemia! Hy-po-gly-CEEEE-mia!" I feel like I should ignore you a little harder. You're kind of doing your cause harm.
Just a little feedback for ya. Hope that helps.