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The Oxalate Connection
tjraije Views: 18,268
Published: 13 y

The Oxalate Connection

From an article I found that explains what I've been trying to say about the negative effects of dark greens and other high oxalate foods like almonds.

The Oxalate Connection
A new connection that is being recognized with respect to chronic candida (and digestive imbalances, including inflammation and leaky gut) is the role of Oxalates. Oxalates are organic compounds naturally occurring in many foods, mainly vegetables and fruits. An accumulation of oxalic acid (oxalate) crystals in the kidneys can cause kidney stones (calcium-oxalate crystals). However, oxalate crystals can accumulate all over the body including the muscles and connective tissue cells, causing muscle aches and pain associated with fibromyalagia and other chronic pain conditions. These crystals can also accumulate in bones, blood vessels and even the brain.

Candida and other forms of yeast/fungus are known sources of oxalates – another reason to stay on top of candida. The good bacteria in our digestive system normally helps to keep oxalates in check by breaking them down so they can be eliminated. A lack of normal digestive bacteria, as found with chronic candida, can lead to increased oxalate availability and absorption into the blood. Oxalates are also said to suppress the immune system and make an individual more susceptible to candida overgrowth. This creates a vicious cycle where you need to decrease candida and oxalates simultaneously in order to get a handle on the problem.

Everyone trying to go high alkaline, tread lightly.. watch how you go about it. Most green leafy vegetables are high in oxalates.
I started looking into this after I had a 24hr urine analysis which showed I was excreting high levels of oxalic acid. I also had a strong case of Candida at the time and along with what I've mentioned on here before about what has helped me greatly, I also began a low-oxalate diet after I found out these results. Before the test I was downing almond milk daily and eating collard greens, spinach, buckwheat, etc. Since then i've eliminated all these foods because to tell ya the truth, aside from the almonds, I don't miss any of that stuff. There's better alternatives like bok choy which is very low in oxalates and romaine lettuce.

I can eat rice all day and not feel any negative effects. if I eat a drop of gluten I'm messed up for weeks. This should be enough for you guys to understand that everyone has their own sensitivies that can set you back greatly in this Candida fight. Just because someone comes on here and says NO CARBS, or NO PROTEIN, really doesn't mean anything. And the harder they persist at such notions, the more in denial they are. They want their cure to be your cure. I say, you are your own cure. I'm only here to help you figure out how to find your cure. It has to do more with mental approach than any particular candida guideline.

Some of you are like "oh they said after 2 weeks I can introduce fruit".. so exactly 14 days goes by and you have a banana. Do you really think it matters if it's 14 days or 17 days or 21 days? You have to adjust all these numbers and guidelines according to your symptoms. Don't just go blindly through this because you will potentially cause other problems if you aren't even aware of what's doing what.

Don't get more confused by this. It's not confusing at all. Fix your digestion by avoiding foods that irritate you. If you eat a steak and 1 or 2 days later you don't feel any major symptoms from it, then there's absolutely no reason to stop eating beef. Of course it's been well documented that eating a lot of fatty meat is generally not good.. Don't forget the general information and don't forget to practice moderation with everything but above all.... Respond to your body's symptoms first and foremost because symptoms mean you let it go too far.

How do you start on this journey? AN ELIMINATION DIET! look it up!

I really should write a guide and have my own section on this site because honestly I'm not telling you I know what can cure you, and I'm not telling you I know what makes you worse..I'm just giving you the most logical way to approach this problem.

I know for a fact that everyone is different and we all have different things going on..Who can disagree with this? so anyone coming on here claiming they know exactly what works or what doesn't work is seriously in denial.

It's all in the approach, it's all in the process of understanding your own symptoms and how your body responds to certain protocols.

Yes we want to detox from heavy metals, yes we want to get rid of yeast and phlegm.. yes yes yes. but if the body is not eliminating properly because it's constantly inflamed then you will just have a major backup of toxins and this will make you feel worse. You will feel desperate and come on here looking for any advice to latch onto but the truth is.. only you know what bothers you when it comes to food. it's you putting it in your mouth, and chewing and swallowing.. it's you who actually FEELS the effects of it.

You want a long term cure.. then fix your approach.. you want short term relief? then do these drastic things like juicing for 2 weeks, but remember, you will eventually need a well balaned diet because there's no way you will last on 1 source of calcium or 1 source of protein. Impossible, unrealistic, impractical and quite honestly insane.


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