Re: Supplements for Children - Trapper, help!
Thanks Ginagirl- The last Magnesium I ordered is oxide which is not what I usually order. I've been using Magnesium Chloride for the last two years. I just purchased the oil and made a mix of 50/50 spray. (Thanks to what I have learned here). I used it on the bottom of her feet with no itching results but it doesn't show a milligram chart. I'm trying to find out how often I can use this on her.
I had her on homemade almond milk for 4 months with good results but it's a battle against my husband with this milk issue. I try to keep mineral water in stock as she loves it. She'll eat anything I give her and usually looks at her dad as if he's trying to kill her. He's a recovering junk food junkie and she gives him a hard time about his choices.
I've given her zinc nasal spray or lozenges but never tablet form. My mom & brother get extremely sick if they take zinc, I do not, but I'm cautious with zinc. She also gets a sublingual B-complex with B-12 5 days a week along with the D3. I tend to let her tummy rest on the weekend from these two. She doesn't swallow pills yet so have to go the liquid route or chewing tablets.
I do use cream, butter, and coconut oil for cooking. She is down to only 1
quart of milk a week now. This is why I am surprised that she is having these issues. She gets a hemp seed & chai shake most mornings.
The most
Iodine she has ever had has been 5 drops per day in juice. I usually give her pineapple/papaya enzyme chewable along with 250 mg. bromelaine tablet I crush. I ran out back in December so this may be the ADHD issue. Since then I've also added 100 mg. DHA Chewables weekly.
She eats 6 meals a day but is still very slim. I'm printing off the info and going back to read more on the ADHD magnesium/zinc connection. Thanks, HH