Re: Supplements for Children - GINAGIRL, help!
"i dont know but she has had headaches for years"
As Trapper says; salt licking is a head ache killer; my eldest one have had one migrene like head ache in his life, came home from school. (he had tried drinking loads of water at school, but it didnt help, even worsened the pain he said)
After half an hour of salt licking / water to follow he was all set for school again. This is two years ago. If ever a lingering head ache he visit the salt pot in our kitchen.
Beware that both msg and
Aspartame et al can give head aches.
Magnesium deficiency may cause it too.
"A magnesium deficiency can result in cluster headaches, regular headaches and migraines.
Read more: Magnesium & Tension Headaches |"
(Is this girl very neat, tidy, keeping things within, the "easy one" ? making up for the more noisy boys?)
My youngest son is more in oposition to what I preach, and I try do respect this, dont push him very much. He has a taste for soda pop that I dont like at all. I decided at one point to let him have sodas, but made it clear that it would cause more "growing pains" as the phosporic acid is a magnesium / calcium thief. He did see the connection after a while; on holidays with daily sodas; without me pushing magnesium he would have more pain; so we came to an agreement about taking the magnesium at a regulary basis, then he can handle SOME soda pop.
I am not religious about much in life, but when it comes to commodities in my cupboard I am rigid AND religious.
It cost a fortune in this country, to have proper food, like grassfeed meat, butter, real fish etc. I am in the lucky position that I can afford it (or may I rather say; I prioritize it) No vegetable oil, only butter; exept for some olive oil and coconut. I make 95 % of all food from scratch, even thai curries made without the ready to go paste. Weston Price is the best when it comes to diet recommendations for kids, and very close to what I do;
but i always follow my own hunch first!
Doing this, in addition to the 6-7 supplements I give them, they can handle som junk, I believe.
Selenium is great as it helps handle the load of vegetable oil/ omega 6 laden food typically served kids at school.
At home I give them foods that counteract school meals; good proteins, good fats, fresh vegetables, fruit.
My eldest one used to be very fuzzy about food; now he eat almost everything; the change happened after iodine!!.
I started with involving him in our cooking, let him be the seasoning chef. I found out his palate was very delicate; he can now diffrentiate between food with msg and not. He can pick out what spice is lacking in a chili pot (while the youngest say it is good, or not good, he says it needs more cumin or something)
I also involve them in making the menu for the week. We buy fresh, local, real, raw food even if we have to visit 3 shops and a farmers marked.
Having children is very challenging; we want to be perfect moms and dads, right ? It is not possible IMO. There will always be issues, different from each child. The difference with iodinated or not kids is that the latter involves much more frequent visits to the doc. My boys never needed
Antibiotics , steroids, glasses, anti histamines, etc. etc. Giving them a few supplements in addition to a fairly good diet prevents a few doc visits.
In general; I use loads of free range eggs, cream, bone broth, meat with skin and fat, not only the muscle meat.
NO artificial sweetener, no msg get over my doorstep.
Small kids; I make a fruit shake /smoothie every morning for myself,the boys have their share of it. In there one can put several supplements and a raw egg yolk for instance. I involved the boys in making this to their taste.
Pasta; they all love it. I learned in Italy to make proper pasta, that is made of flour and eggs; nothing else. Topped with basil, parmesan cheese, tomatoes, garlic, cream; my kids are in food heaven.
I believe it is possible to make healthy versions of all food that the kids love, but it involves some effort, time to do it and some cooking skills. I know; I have 4 jobs myself, so I keep the advanced food for weekends. wow this became a lengthy post.. wasnt intended :)