Re: Supplements for Children - Trapper, help!
it resonates. it's happening with me. I have been trying to pace myself but my brain and body are asking for more before my next im upping this weekend. I'm only at 75mg a day, split between six glasses of water with 15mg each...and this is about 16
oz of water each time of distilled water with a pinch of celtic salt. i drink about 2 more glasses daily with salt but not iodine...and i put lemon in when i feel like it. i know u say to dose at least 100mg but my health was in chronic deterioration before i started and i believe that is because i was extremely i detoxed hard and cut back and then moved forward..and i am finding that i do better staying at one point until my body wants ur absolutely right.
i guess i was scared to give them the
Iodine without the companions for fear i was doing more harm than good if i kept giving it to them this way. so are u saying that i can treat them with just
Iodine and water and salt? or would it be wiser to give them the supplements too? I am thinking of bath salts (magnesium flakes) for each bath and some powdered form of selenium and chewable vitamin c...what else does ur grandson take aside from
Iodine and emergen-c?
my concern is that if they are the least bit of toxic i was, the detoxing will have a negative effect on their schooling...they are good kids and if they start having the anger, irritation, fatigue that i did when i detoxed, their teachers will know somethin is up and i dont feel like explaining. plus, i would never want them to feel i am attempting to protect them from the bad parts in way of supplementing.
thank you for ur answer! it is alsways insightful reading ur answers...