Re: Mercury chelation success stories??
"In the end you simply repeat what Cutler says while pretending to think for yourself. You simply dismiss anything which might contradict what Cutler says,..."
I'm smart enough to know that a person in an online group could be sincere, a salesman, or mentally ill! I'm looking for compelling **reasons** to choose one method over another. I've not come across any **reasons** to choose cilantro/chlorella over ALA+DMSA or DMPS.
I also provide links to information from Boyd Haley, former chair of the chem dept at the U of KY, and designer of the experimental chelator, OSR. I strongly recommend his information which I recently posted elsewhere in this group.
I'll quote others occasionally as well including Dr. Mark Hyman and Dr Amy Holmes, both who have had do deal with the issue of HMs personally and professionally.