How does the detox reaction differ between your cilantro dosing vs ALA? Are they similar? From what I can guess, cilantro and chlorella has helped you more than ALA has so far?
I'm going to try both but starting with ALA using the Cutler's method. But I'm not opposed to trying cilantro and chlorella and chlorella is a good binder in the gut so I'm hoping my GI tract can absorb it and not cause GI distress like EVERY food out there lol.
Do you use broken cell wall chlorella? Or is there a specific type of chlorella that you use? I.E. chlorella vulgaris, regularis, etc.? I've read of people getting nausea and extremely ill from chlorella but it could be due to thef act that they took large doses of unbroken cell wall chlorella, which the human body can't digest due to the cellulose.