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Re: new to oil pulling, candida, skin and eyesight questions...
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Re: new to oil pulling, candida, skin and eyesight questions...

When I first heard of oil pulling and coconut oil I researched as much as I could...
The first few days I swallowed the oil full and oil pulled. I expelled completely white/ clear bm... It works. I actually thought it was a tape worm until I read it detoxes all of that and this is normal. I was sick to my tummy the whole time, but I was real toxic.
I also began applying the oil to my skin, and even now, add it to my bath water with a few drops of tea tree oil. It made such a difference that my dog didnt recognize my scent. He kept sniffing around for me. My skin became much more pure and less pimples, smaller pores and less impurities all together. My teeth and gums were also an immediate improvement.

So i suppose try adding it to your skin direct. It prevents and takes care of wrinkles also. Your skin may be sagging now due to the detox.


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