Re: Adrenal fatigue from Benzo withdrawal
The best thing that I have found for a few people is taking a tiny ssri dosage like celexa 2.5-5mg. If very sensitive, then can take amitriptyline 10mg.
These drugs help calm the nervous system and are not addictive like benzos. They do not cause withdrawal. I have started/stopped both these drugs numerous times without a single problem.
The best supplement I would say would be methylcobalamin. Now foods makes a good methylcobalamin, take 2000mcg per day sublingually.
Add in 800mcg folic acid.
I would also suggest fish oil 2 grams combined epa/dha with about 1300 epa and 700 dha mg.
I would also suggest magnesium 400-800 mg per day, as form citrate from NOW foods (cheap and good). Also 400 iu vitamin e as mixed tocopherols is good.
1) low dosage antidepressant
3)folic acid
4)fish oil + magnesium + vitamin e
Try it out!