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Re: Frustrated because I cant figure out my problems!

Epsom Salt Encapsulated
Hulda Clark Cleanse Kits

Cleanse the Liver in 9 Days
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Re: Frustrated because I cant figure out my problems!

It's going to take a long time and a lot of patience to get your colon to working right again. It may take years.

Drugs ruin the digestive system and the liver. They pollute the cellular envoronment and cause the death of all kinds of body tissue, then the parasites come in to clean up the mess. First thing, if you want to get well and stay well is to get rid of the drugs. Drugs slow your liver down, too. Multiple chemical sensitivities point directly to a diseased liver. Once it's cleaned out, you'll be rid of the sensitivities. It happens over time.

Any solvents that go thru the skin into the bloodstream will dissolve the coveing on the outside of the parasite eggs and allow them to hatch in your body. They go thru the colon wall and into the bloodstream and end up in the liver, then you have some real problems. Flusing your liver will allow your body to clean up of the solvents over time, but be aware of what they are and try to stay away from them.

Diarrhea is nothing more than bad constipation, so if you have it while colon cleansing, it's your body pulling out water to dilute the colon toxins. The colon will not work right if it is full of the rubbery junk as it will narrow the passage your food goes thru until some day it may shut down. So, a colon clease over time will help you a lot. L glutamine will help heal your colon of the permeability and other symptoms.

The worst problem most people have is stopping the Liver Flushes and the Colon Cleanse too soon. Keep going and you'll see some real good results over time.

Be aware that any drugs cause both the colon and liver as well as other organs to really malfunction. They are, in themselves, part of what causes disease in th efirst place. Once you've cleaned out, you're going to experience the pain of healing in that organ, so I recommend you be good to yourself and try to get away from any and all of the drugs.


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