Experience is the best teacher. The medical lies beyond belief. So much of it you read on the internet is nothing but lies. These people have an agenda and it' not for the purpose of getting people well.
Bentonite dries polyps and tumors up in the colon as well as pulls off the softened rubbery junk that's lined the colon walls for years. I passed 34 polyps during the Colon Cleanse that had dried up an dfallen off the colon wall.. I have the knowledge to be able to recognize these things for what they are, so please do not argue with me.
Read some of Richard Schulze 's material. A lot of it has been confiscated and copyrighted by Sam Biser and isn't available much now. He had a clinic where he was healing people, then the naysayers and politicians got in there and closed it down. I mean the ones who wanted to hide the truth. I see a lot of people on CZ who like to hide the truth and twist it, too, unfortunately.