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Re: Frustrated because I cant figure out my problems!

Epsom Salt Encapsulated
Hulda Clark Cleanse Kits

jameskep37 Views: 3,276
Published: 14 y
This is a reply to # 1,892,205

Re: Frustrated because I cant figure out my problems!

Most nutrients are absorbed in the duodenum and small intestine. The colon helps with electrolytes and helps with undigested food...fiber etc...

25 pounds of impacted matter in the colon? I would get a colonoscopy before i would assume that there is that much impacted matter in the colon.

I dont know of betonite clay to "pull" matter off the colon walls. There is nothing chemically in betonite clay to cause the colon to contract and expand. I have heard of betonite clay to "absorb" some toxins. 

Its interesting how some websites say that  green rubbery garbage can be the buildup of  psyllium/chrolophyll/clay in the intestines that is getting lodged . Just something to be cautious about.



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