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Re: Frustrated because I cant figure out my problems!

Epsom Salt Encapsulated
Hulda Clark Cleanse Kits

Cleanse the Liver in 9 Days
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overtheedge Views: 3,481
Published: 14 y
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Re: Frustrated because I cant figure out my problems!

Dude you sound exactly like me, Im working on copper toxicity right now but not sure that thats really my problem; according to a hair test it is but I still cant say for sure since Iv been let down so many times. Of course Iv only been supplementing zinc for about two weeks so I dont know

Iv also pursued
-toxic mold

I definitely feel its the liver in my case as well, for multiple reasons

First off my biliruben is twice what it should be

Secondly any recreational drug has exaggerated effects on me; for instance, just a little bit of alcohol will mess me up good and leave my brain fogged up worse than ever the following days

One thing is odd though, I always have brain fog but that first 3-4 hours of being tipsy I can think in a completely clear manner

IBS was my first and most prominant symptoms starting about 2-2.5 years ago, I thought that if I cured my constipation my brain fog and Depression would go away. I started digestive enzymes and betain HCL a few months ago and no longer had the bowel problems. Before my bowel movements had been heavily constipated, torn apart, covered in mucous, and full of undigested food particles. Now the only thing I see is the undigested particles

Only since I did these two colon hydrotherapys a week ago I havent been able to move my bowels with the betain and enzymes, of course thats also the time I started supplementing zinc so that could have something to do with it

Iv done 3 liver flushes, the third one I saw the little green stones; I used the Epsom Salts and had pretty bad diarrhea, did you use those for your flush

I also have nonstop hunger which seems the worst thing to pair with the constipation since it doesnt take long for my gut to fill up

I just have to figure out what is causing the lack of stomach acid, that seems my biggest clue, either that or the digestive enzymes

there is so much more to it, I have multiple chemical sensitivities; eggs, oats, and lobster are the three I cant eat. Metametrix test told me that, it also told me that I have high levels of xylene(solvents) which could be from my liver being clogged, have extremely low omega 3s and high omega 6s, and several other problems

Its funny though, Iv been chelating with DMSA for the past 5 days or so and just stopped today at 12, I gotta say Im feeling really good right now. Not quite sure if the two are related though

anyway, I gotta figure out how to get my bowels restarted, gonna go for a walk and see if the exercise will help


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