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Re: Frustrated because I cant figure out my problems!

Mercury Detox
Dental work and fillings, not a problem.

blueciel Views: 3,765
Published: 14 y
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Re: Frustrated because I cant figure out my problems!

You all show symptoms of heavy liver congestion. Chelating with a congested liver only makes things worse because the freed metals have no way of leaving to body but get stuck in the liver and cause more fatigue and misery.
You need to flush until you start moving your stones that block the bile flow. Without bile flow you cannot eliminate any toxins or metals. Any supplement that is supposed to detoxify the liver only scratches the surface but doesn't go in-depth to help establish free bile flow.

I've done 40+ flushes and only now have I started to dislodge large clogs in my liver that are blocking me. I still have a dull pain in the liver area which tells me that I have a long way to go. And yes, at the beginning I didn't have any BM or diarrhea from Epsom Salts because I severely lacked magnesium. Now, after all this flushing with Epsom Salt I get a bm 30 minutes after taking the first dose of ES. The flushes are easier and easier and the more stuff comes out of me the better my digestion is.

I used to be ravenously hungry and eat everything in sight at times. WIth increased bile flow this is no longer the case. Small amounts of nutritious food keep me going for a long time without cravings. The bile helps digest and break down nutrients so that they get completely absorbed and thus provide energy. Lack of bile causes malapsorption which leads to constant hunger.

Keep in mind that any chemicals ingested while your liver is congested only contributes to your feeling ill. The best thing to take are herbs that help break down the cholesterol clogs such as chanca piedra. A liver tonic will help with bile production during this time. Do castor oil packs to soften the clogs in the liver and help flush them out easier.
I feel that I turned a corner after about two years of flushing. This is really not a one-time thing but a long journey.


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