New subject....
Hv, on an entirely different note, what is your opinion of vegan diets? I used to be vegan and I long to go back to that. Eating all this poultry and eggs and cooked foods for this darn candida is really not agreeing with my body (and morals/convictions).
My body feels dead eating "dead food" (aka, dead animals and cooked meals). I had better health as a vegan (but I did rely too heavily on processed vegan foods, however, I would not do that if I went back). I'd even be willing to do eggs (and milk...but I have a casein/lactose/whey issue), but I can't eat something with a face just feels wrong on SO many levels (physically, emotionally, spiritually...).
Have u heard of the 80/10/10 diet by Dr Graham? Or Gabriel Cousens? Both have vastly different viewpoints on veganism. What do u think is the healthiest way to eat to be a vegan?
What, in general, do u feel is the healthiest way to eat...there are so many schools of thought: WAPF, primal, blood type, vegetarian, vegan, raw, all meat, etc...