Re: Probiotics contributing to SIBO/biofilms/feeding pathogens??
dv: so u think that ALL forms of flora are beneficial, even the so-called potential aggressive ones that may overgrow if one's immune system is down (bifidus)?
Did you read the site I posted a link to:
Especially this part:
"Bidfidobacteria (collectively known as Lactobacillus bifidus) outnumber other Lactobacilli species by approximately 1000 to 1, and is in many sense the dominant healthy bacteria, although Lactobacillus is more hardy and resilient. The five most common strains of Bifidobacter include B. infantis, B. adolescentis, B. bifidum, B. longum, and B. breve. The levels of bifidobacteria levels tend to decline with age and reduced levels have been linked to declining health. Bifidobacteria are predominantly found in the large intestine (i.e. the colon) whereas Lactobacillus acidophilus primarily inhabits the small intestine.
Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria help to inhibit potential pathogenic bacteria, such as E.coli or Clostridium perfringens. They help to prevent diarrhea caused by rota virus or salmonella. They help to reduce the proliferation of candida. They assist in increased defacation and help to reduce constipation. They help in digestion in general, by altering the pH (by producing lactic acid) and improving the uptake of minerals, especially calcium. They also help to digest lactose for thelactose-intolerant persons. They are also involved in the production of vitamins, for example, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B12, A, D and K, and also essential fatty acids. They are particularly important in the production of Biotin (B7), which is the body's main source of Biotin (dietary sources containing a minimal amount). Lactobacilli and Bifobacteria also assist in protein digestion. They help to clean the digestive tract. They produce natural antibiotics and antifungals such as hydrogen peroxide (not in the ridiculously high quantities that are available with H2O2 supplementation or other oxygenating products). Lactobacillus acidophilus secretes the antifungal and antimicrobial agents including lactocidin, lactobacillin, acidolin and as mentioned above, hydrogen peroxide. Acidophilus also produces lactic acid, which helps keep down the pH in the intestinal tract. Too alkaline a pH in the colon favours bad bacteria and yeasts, whereas more acidic conditions help to prevent their excessive growth. In 1988, the US surgeon general's report noted that 'Normal microbial flora provide a passive mechanism to prevent infection.' They may increase the number of immune system cells in the body. They may even help to protect the body from environmental toxins and reduce waste at the cellular level. They also help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels, and break down and rebuild our body's hormones."