Re: Probiotics contributing to SIBO/biofilms/feeding pathogens??
Wow! That's amazing! What was your method to exterminate the colonies? I've gotten mine under control but do know that it takes diligence to get the colonies out and then heal and recolonize the gut. My research is showing that most methods, like the diet, will only put the colonies into remission. And agitating the candida is often associated with a "die-off," but that doesn't mean you're killing anything!
I have to take off here in a second for a few hours so I don't have a lot of time to explain all this. But in short you need to keep in mind several things:
1. Candida is a normal part of the body. It is when it overgrows in a fungal form that it creates problems. And this is controlled by pH. Acid means inhibited growth and a benign yeast form. An alkaline environment means increased growth and a dangerous fungal form.
2. Because Candida is a normal part of the body you will never eradicate it. This is a common mistake people make when trying to deal with Candidiasis. The goal is to keep it under control, which is done by restoring the flora and thus acidic environment.
3. Candida is almost always limited to certain parts of the body where the flora keep the Candida in check. Candida almost never goes systemic. And again if it does this is life threatening if not deadly. You are not simply going to have a little headache or bloating.
I just started hydrogen peroxide therapy. I still have more research on safety to do before I am comfortable trying HP enemas, though I'm not scared to try just about anything.
I have an ominous melanoma on my thigh that changes all the time and is painful to touch that I am working on as well. I THOUGHT I was successful in burning it off with apple cider vinegar, (made a scab and fell off) but alas! I is growing back with a vengeance so I fear is rooted in the artery in my thigh. I applied HP to it last night via cotton ball and bandaid, and it is definitely pissed off, putting out broken capilaries and a more little bumps. I am not giving up, as I hear it's death struggle is the worst.
Peroxide works great for melanomas, but you need to use undiluted 35% food grade peroxide, and you need to open up the melanoma before applying the peroxide. You can scrape it open with a pin and apply the peroxide with a cotton swab. And yes, it is going to feel like you are being branded. But the peroxide will set up a chain reaction and follow the cancer down.
If you don't want that much pain I have written about euphorbias on my forum The Truth in Medicine. Just type in euphorbias in the search box for the forum to pull up the posts.