I beat candida with tons of greens and some meat
There is truth in this - I actually beat back my candida in a similar way - with tons of greens and some meat. I used candex for awhile and also found it to have good results, but went with nystatin (something my kid could take too).
I stopped all vitamins, probiotics, supplements, protein powders, etc. because they just weren't helping and possibly being utilized by the fungus.
I did start ingesting diatomaceous earth, which flushed out some tapeworms!
I have never even tried to exist on nothing but greens for months, but have no doubt that the human body can adapt to this.
I'm inspired to go on a greens fast just to see if I have any dormant colonies hiding in there that need blasting out (I most likely do)!
I think it all comes down to our human condition of wanting a quick fix, something that will fix us up without getting us out of our comfort zone or really having to change our habits or lifestyle.