Re: Acid/Alkaline balance: The real cause of candida
The best way to put it is that the ph can vary depending on where in the intestinal tract youre at. It makes sense why the large intestine is acidic. It is the higher acids that help to push fecal matter out of the body. There is alot of flora in our large intestines producing a lot of acidic byproducts creating more of an acidic environment. Higher acids push the bowels out. The same concept of when someone gets food poisining the body produces high amounts of HCL (acid) which casues diarreah. The more acid produced the more it flushes the bowels out.
The ph of the intestinal tract:
There has been much debate on candida and ph conditions. Candida can be in a yeast form or a fungal form. This is how it adapts to the extreme ph condidtions. A lot of people think candida is just a yeast condition which can do better in a acidic environment. But when it turns fungal it thrives more in alkaline environment. Everywhere in nature mold/fungus always grows better in a alkaline environment. A lot of wthat inhibits mold has a acidic content: sorbic acid, caprylic acid, undecenoic acid, absorbic acid, sulfuric acid(from garlic) etc.... Do an experiment and put mold in water that has a little ascorbic acid in it and then put mold in pure mineral water and see which condition it grows faster in.
It is no theory that antibiotics/antibacterial substances can cause candida to go out of control. Just ask the majority of people on this forum. My candida was never out of control until i did antibacterial substances.