I dont follow any specific diets that are recommended by practitioners. Candida diets can vary so much depending on what each individual is going through, what kind of intestinal dysbiosis they are going through, and what kind of digestive issues are happening. Ive had to constantly change my diet due to candidas ability to adapt to our diets. I wish it was as simple as following some diet plan that is outlined by a health practioner. My goal in dieting is to avoid extreme bloating(fermentation), indigestion, and inflammation, and trying to get a good amount of nutrients. Ill eat whatever is accomplishing those qualities. All I know is that I cannot do fruit, anything high in fructose, cannot do high fatty foods for long period of times, no spicy foods. Most grains I cannot do. Most Grains seem to be mineral depleting(especially if not prepared properly), and cause a decent amount of bloating. Some nut butters I can get away with for a few days but not much longer because they can be hard to digest. Some things i know right away that i have to avoid. Other food i can do for a little while and then have to rotate it. Its a constant balancing act due to candidas ability to produce a wide variety of enzymes/and my lack of proper digestion.