Re: bring it
Dusane, I've been on CZ since late 04, long long time before I posted my first thread. Basically, the reason I've started posting, although I don't have much free time, was this guy, Hv.
Couple of years back, he swooped the CZ with a bunch of his desperados Mac Thamais, Grassman, etc.and from the very first thread he ruthlessly started insulting people and their opinions, being sarcastic and laughing in their faces ( you remember ROFLMAO ) the same people that came to the CZ to find healing.
Right away I knew that this individual has an agenda, but at that point in time I couldn't tell what exactly that was.
All of a sudden the CZ seized to be what it always was, the place where one can find the variety of different alternative techniques and ideas, and became a Hv – zone, where he always had the last word on anything even if one thread had to drag for three pages.
He systematically destroyed a few forums already and he is continuing to do so, all in order to fulfill his dark agenda, which now we all know what it is, selling his “magical” product. Pretty much what we had with uncle Charley from Scottsdale few years back.
Now on top of everything he is threatening to sue you which is the paramount of insolence and a slap in the face to all the CZ population.
I agree with all the others and I suggest just one thing, expulsion, so that the CZ can finally be what it always was, freedom of choice.
I am 100% sure that the CZ is going to be better place without him.