Re: Kombucha and coconut milk kefir
So would u say that the kombucha drink and So Delicious coconut milk kefir are good for the candida diet?
Yes, they just need to be fermented long enough to destroy all the sugar.
I talked to my chiro, as well as an ND, and they said to avoid that stuff...that right now, probiotics are the way to go.
Both kefirs and Kombucha are probiotics. And kefir is better than commercial probiotics since you know the cultures are live and the kefirs provide more beneficial bacterial strains than commercial probiotic supplements.
But prebiotics are more important than probiotics in the long run since probiotics only replace a few of the thousands of strains of bacteria.
They said to avoid fermented foods, especially dairy, for that may make things worse.
That is a myth based on the alkalinity kills Candida and acids promote it myth.
I've also read several blogs and websites (I know, not the most "scientific" resources) of personal experiences with kombucha and candida, and they said it made things worse.
Again not as long as the products have been fermented long enough to destroy the sugars. The acids from the fermentation turn of the Candida growth gene and keep Candida in a benign yeast form. Alkalinity turns on the growth gene and converts the Candida in to its dangerous and aggressive fungal form.