No doubt there is a connection, as every bowel movement produces a frenzy of itch that quiets down after. I have had colon (2.5 cm) polyp removed, there was small diverticuli found during the oNLY colonoscopy I will ever have in 2008. It could take a looong post to put all aspects of my history in perspective, so I end up leaving out what is probably very important information in an effort to keep it as brief as possible. I have posted ALL at one time or another trying to get help with this. The lymph was slowed down, I'm sure, when I fell, broke knee/crutches/cane for 6 months. I did not move much for a whole winter - that was 7 years ago. My activity level has increased, but maybe not enough. Is my supplement lineup not doing an adequate job with colon? I may have to start enemas again?? I am not having trouble with elimination, but am open to ideas.