Re: MEAT...this is so odd??
In my opinion it's not odd at all~
After a year or so as a vegan the first bite of meat I had felt like Nirvana, every cell in my body said YES! It tasted absolutely delicious and it made me feel good, I've never looked back.
Have a look around this site:
Also, there are NO peoples that have evolved on a vegetarian/vegan diet. NONE. Historically, the only population groups that adopt a vegetarian diet do so for spiritual reasons(as in, avoiding the "bad" karma that comes with taking another being's life). Well, what about displacing/killing all of the furry and feathered critters so that we can grow vast fields of grains and beans? Not very good karma, IMO.
>>>"It has been a tough road denying the carbs (bread) as well as meat, dairy, and everything else deemed bad."
Oh, yeah... key word, though- DEEMED. Deemed by who? We are all different, what works for me might not work for you.
>>>But everywhere I read about health & liver issues and such, all point to vegetarianism????????????
Livelaughlovefaith is right... :)
There is a difference between DETOXIFYING the liver(and yes, a low-fat, lean meat, no red meat predominantly vegetarian diet is often prescribed for this, like Sandra Cabot's liver-cleansing diet)...and providing the nutrients necessary for supporting the liver. There are many nutrients found in animal foods that SUPPORT the work of the liver, L-cysteine, L-cystine, zinc, taurine, pantothenic acid...
re: the ACV. You can also marinate meat in ACV(braggs)... diluted. There was a post, long ago, by fainallyfaith on this, I can't find it right now though. Here's info on marinating:
Marinating meat can be helpful to those that have difficulty digesting meat. The acids in ACV actually pre-digest the meat, in a way.