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Re: If You Could Only Take One Supplement, Which One Would You Choose?
happyfamily6 Views: 4,381
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Re: If You Could Only Take One Supplement, Which One Would You Choose?

That's exactly what I've been thinking about doing too, hopeblossom. Do you know anything about dosage for taking Vitex solo? I've only had it in herbal hormone formulas.

I'm with Marci when it comes to getting in a rut taking supplements and forgetting why and wondering if they're helping. In fact, about 3 weeks ago I got so tired of taking my multivitamin, various herbs, and other supplements (because it really does take some time and attention to stay on top of it all, especially since some are taken with food and others without), that I gave myself permission to just stop for awhile. Then I decided to add back in my fish oil and TMG and just my Adrenal Tonic for herbs, and I actually feel quite good. I take magnesium malate, lecithin, and a multivitamin from time to time IF I think about it. I feel much less stressed and less focused on the subtleties of my health, which is a good thing for me.

This has been a great thread. It's gotten me thinking. Thanks to all who've posted!



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