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Re: If You Could Only Take One Supplement, Which One Would You Choose?
rainey03 Views: 4,857
Published: 14 y
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Re: If You Could Only Take One Supplement, Which One Would You Choose?

Sorry, I meant I have tried many, many other remedies like H2O2, iodine, glutathione iv's, oxygen, pH balancing, etc. and still suffered from the typical candida/fungal symptoms like horrible brain fog, chronic fatigue, chronic infections, ridiculous food sensitivities , adrenal exhaustion, and so on. I took oil of thyme (8 drops mixed with a carrier oil twice a day) for about a month before I noticed a change like none before. My brain fog got a lot better and viruses had much less of an impact on me. My energy took a huge leap as well. Now, don't get wrong, I still have a ways to go and I am also taking steps to drain and detox ( Epsom Salt baths, FIR (Far-Infrared-Sauna) sauna), but it was beyond a shadow of a doubt the oil that pushed me through. I am now taking clove oil and seeing results...slowly but surely. Best of luck to you all in your quest for health:)


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