Molly, thank you for being such a voice of reason. Your suggestions are excellent! During the time I've spent at CZ, it has amazed me that the prevailing political sentiment seems to be extremely conservative and right-wing. I thought the exact opposite would be the case.
It would be of great benefit to ALL of us if we just plain had two separate political "support" or "discussion" forums: one for the left and one for the right. You are correct in that we come from different tribes, and a "CureZone" website is no place for having wars.
And, burn my britches, look who showed up to rant and rave at your most reasonable post! Yup, one of most vociferous posters from the so-called political debate forum. I hate to think that the likes of this person typifies right-leaning conservatives, but he seems to prove that this is the case every time.