Re: What went wrong - Iodine/Heart
First off thanks for the great reply. I have a few more questions though...
What is the reasoning behind people feeling great on iodine, then feeling like crap. Is this the stage when the heavy metals, bromide/fluoride haven't been released into the bloodstream yet?. Because I felt 1000% those two days.
Iodine felt like a miracle cure. Less inflammation, less hair loss, great energy, great mood. Everything just seemed to be working right. I suspect that this reaction would be indicative of a thyroid problem. But I could never really understand why things changed for the worst. I always thought that I was just inducing Hyperthyroidism by sending by thyroid into overdrive with the excess Iodine. I'm not saying I fully believe you yet, I'm just saying you're making me think twice about it. I can thank you for that, because really without that I'm a lost cause... ;)
2. Are there any signs that indicate an under-lying auto-immune problem without the need for a blood test?.
3. I'm not really worried about the hair loss from Bromide, I had bad hair loss before Iodine, which was better for 2 days during
Iodine and went back to it's old ways after Iodine. Bromide didn't seem to play a factor in it.
4. Thanks for the information on the heart. It's very hard to pick out what it actually could have been. Maybe it was one of the side effects for Hypothyroidism, maybe Hyperthyroidism, maybe a imbalance in minerals or maybe it was a toxicity of heavy metals such as mercury. I can't know for sure, which is quite frustrating. I was very emotional and delirious on the 3rd and 4th days of Iodine. I know this is a "Detox Reaction Symptom", so maybe I just had a lot of heavy metals and halides to rid myself of.
Iodine caused them to flood my bloodstream causing several reactions including the swelling on my spine, the pain the neck, the brain fog, the emotional problems and of course the heart problems.
Does anyone know how long these toxins stay in the blood stream when released by Iodine?.
One thing about the heart reaction though. I was in no way over-reacting or not able to handle it. It was just by chance when I was alone (Shower/Car/Bed) but if I had been with someone I would definitely have ended up in the hospital. I had to constantly tap my chest and it felt like my heart was shivering and had trouble breathing. My chest had a bruised feeling in the middle like the heart was pressing up against it. When I say I nearly fainted twice I mean it. I went all lightheaded and weak, luckily I didn't faint and things usually settled down within an hour or so.
4. I was taking Magnesium actually during this and it didn't seem to make much of a difference either. I took my temperature I think twice (Under the arm/10 Mins/Morning) and saved the 2 results on my computer. Now I don't know if these results are accurate and maybe we should just ignore them, but these were the results:
I only stopped because my mercury thermometer decided to clog itself (Wouldn't Shake Down). If I recall these results were indicative of Hyperthyroidism?.
5. The reason I believe I suffer Hypothyroidism is thanks to a forum called ImmortalHair. This forum deals with the natural treatment of hair loss. It believes that hair loss is a modern invention brought about by modern diet etc. According to the author, one of the main reasons for hair loss is Hypothyroidism and another is Celiac/Gluten
sensitivity. My grandfather was completely bald and from my knowledge had a multitude of problems. He was anemic, had cancer and I suspect he had diabetes, gluten sensitivty and a Thyroid disorder. My mothers grandmother had Alzheimers disease which I believe is connected to heavy metals right?. My mother seems to have a lot of fillings in her teeth as well. All of this could be passed down to me (Heavy Metals, Thyroid, Gluten etc.) which I believe is the cause of my hair loss. In some ways this hair loss might be a blessing I now know that I have a problem and now have a better knowledge of how diseases are connected throughout the body. Hypothyroidism seems to be a huge epidemic in society and I'm glad I understand this. But, whether I have it or not is another thing. I sometimes believe I have Hyperthyroidism due to the fact that I over-heat, I have the palpitations etc. now (Only after Iodine) and I believe my sister had a "Slightly over-active Thyroid" (- Parents) in which she developed a goiter about golf ball sized under her jaw. My mother said she had some thyroid problem when she had one of us, which I believe is quite common. But the thing is my dads a doctor and my mothers a nurse. They know I tried Iodine and dismiss anything I ask about our thyroid problems saying I have nothing to worry about. As you can imagine hair loss in a young guy like me is quite hard to talk about even with my parents. But I really believe that my problems stem from my mothers side of the family, mostly for father.
I've had my bloods tested when I was 17 due to the scalp itch. The "excellent" doctor told me "everything was fine" and knowing no better I just accepted that. I know he tested my Thyroid, but being 17 that's all I need to hear and just put the scalp problem down to good ol' Androgentic Alopecia (Male Pattern Baldness). Something tells me now that it just ain't that easy....
Anyway, I'm starting a huge regimen this Summer to tackle any health problems. I'm tackling
parasite infactions, Heavy Metal Toxicity and much more. Here's a list of what I'll be taking:
• P90x Training Program ✓
Other internals
• Leafy Green Smoothie.
• Apple Cider Vinegar ✓
• Garlic/Onion shot
• A lot of water ✓
• Coconut Oil ✓
• Apple Cider Vinegar ✓
• Tea Tree Oil ✓
• Neem Oil ✓
• Oregano Oil
• Garlic Juice
• Onion Juice
Heavy Metal Chelation
• Humifulvate
• Iodine/Selenium ✓
Jarrow's ToxGuard
parasite Cleanse
• Clove ✓
• Wormwood ✓
• Black Walnut Green Hull
• P90X Diet Plan ✓
• Eggs ✓
• Leafy Greens ✓
• Water ✓
Take this on an empty stomach.
• Yakult ✓
• Kefir
Jarrow JPS
• Ecklonia Cava
• Krill Oil
• Curcurmin
• Resveratrol
• Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin B6 ✓
• Vitamin D3 ✓
• Whey Protein ✓
• Vitamin C ✓
Take away from Resvertrol and Cucurmin. Take with Vitamin D3.
• MSM ✓
• Beta-Sitosterol
• Chlorella
• Alpha Lipioc Acid
• Garlic
I believe that the Heavy Metal Cleanse will make the most difference. I'm still unsure about using Iodine, but If I do I will be using all the companion nutrients as well.
I know this is a long reply, but the reason it is so long is because I have so many questions for which I really need answers. Please comment if you have read through this and have some ideas or thoughts on what is going on or what I should do.. I really need answers guys, all answers are welcome.
Especially to Wombat ;).