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Re: What went wrong - Iodine/Heart
Decro435 Views: 5,007
Published: 15 y
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Re: What went wrong - Iodine/Heart

Sorry it took me so long to reply, I've been busy lately. Thanks for the information.

I'm going to pick up a mercury thermometer tomorrow and do the Basal Temperature test.

I took 3 drops of Iodine about 10 minutes ago and I'll assess if this has any effect on me in my next post. Most likely it won't but if it was like my first drop I took over the Summer then I'll feel the effects in about 10 minutes.

I'm also going to buy some copper soon and start experimenting with very small amounts. I've read of some connections between copper and some of the symptoms I've been experiencing and I think I might have an deficiency. I have cravings for a lot of the foods that copper is high in, is this a sign that I might be deficient?. Does it work like that?.


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