Re: What went wrong - Iodine/Heart
First of all your reactions to
Iodine supplementation are very common. Upon commencing supplementation people feel great- then they feel like crap. Then they feel great again, then they feel like crap, etc, etc, etc. People also experience transient symptoms of iodine-induced hypo or hyperthyroidism so your statement that "we" do not believe that
Iodine supplementation can lead to hyperthyroid is incorrect. Since this is a forum, you will find a lot of different beliefs presented here, it's up to you to wade through it all:)
In my experience on this forum, I have not seen a report that
Iodine supplementation led to permanent alteration in thyroid function. I'm not saying that it has not happened. From what I've read, permanent changes in thyroid function happen to those with underlying "autoimmune" issues.
Here's more on adverse effects(including iodine-induced hyperthyroidism) in iodine supplementation, Dr. David Brownstein, MD:
And hair loss is listed as a symptom of bromide detox:
Abnormalities in heart rate/rhythm are also common. If you search "palpitations" or "heart" within this forum you will find this reported many times. I'm not sure of the mechanism at play here, but iodine is necessary for heart health, and those that have continued on with supplementation see their heart's rhythms normalize. Here's good info on iodine and heart health:
Rapid/"abnormal" heartbeat is a scary symptom though and I'm certainly not going to tell you to ignore it and not to worry. We're all different, some can handle the fear factor more than others.
And, magnesium? Critically important companion nutrient and magnesium deficiency alone can cause abnormalities in heart rate. BTW, leafy greens are a great source:)
Have you had your thyroid checked? Have you done the Broda Barnes basal temperature test? A few of the symptoms that you mention can certainly be indicative of hypothyroid- overweight, hair loss, even the tender scalp. Read this thread for clues on that:
It sounds as though you have done quite a bit of research yourself. Why do you think that you are experiencing the symptoms that you are? What is your health history?
BTW, hypothyroid is VERY common. Please take the time to follow the links in Trapper's original post in this thread:
These websites maintain listings of knowlegable doctors:
and another website that maintains a listing of IODINE literate doctors is
I know that I have not answered your questions- I cannot. All that I can do is filter your symptoms through my experience and possibly point you in a right direction.
IF it is your thyroid, it is not so simple as taking iodine. The root causes of thyroid dysfunction must be addressed, whether that may be dysbiosis, heavy metals toxicity, etc.
Read some of the "R" rated posts in this forum, there are some good ones right on the front page regarding thyroid function:)