Re: Couple not guilty in abortion trial.
"I agree totally with this assessment. This is not really even an area where Science needs to be involved, this is purely a decision that should be left to the woman that is pregnant."
You know that. I know that. But we still have miles to go for personal freedom especially for minorities and women. Religion as done a hell of a lot of damage to our culture
We live in a world where there are people who think that there is an invisible guy in the sky that calls for blood sacrifice yet has some kind of problem with aborting fetuses. In the same vain kids get an ADD diagnosis and have to take mind altering drugs in order to be allowed to be conditioned in schools. And these people run around scott free with no diagnosis. Yup that's the crazy world we live in. Our society is a muster cluster fu** of incoherency. So much hypocrisy to deal with.
I think the sticking point in this issue is, is aborting a fetus killing a human life?
Science needs to be part of this discussion. That needs to be weighted against a women's right, which in my opinion superseded
Science and any opinion by some biased man with cave man sensibilities.
But as far as society goes this needs to be well gone over beyond limited beliefs from all corners.
Some days I wake up and wonder how the hell I ended up in the middele of all this craziness. It feels like I'm walking around in a big insane asylum, which btw has an invisible administrator way up in a tree.