Even if...
I've just thought: even if the green pigment of the stones IS bile, this still doesn't mean that what comes out of us are crystalised bile stones that have been lying latent- couldn't the bile just be a part of the possible chemical reaction between the
Liver-Flush components in the intenstine we've been talking about?
Obviously, the liver's reaction to a large amount of oil is going to be production of bile. Bile isn't a bad thing: it emulsifies fats, helps the bowel to move, colours and deodorises the foecal matter, etc... Who cares if you eliminate it from the body? It's a useful substance, and one that your body will just keep making.
I'm a naturopath and see far more people who are bile deficient than people who need to 'detoxify' bile. They tend to be vegetarians and vegans, with a slow moving bowel, light coloured floating stools and undigested food in bowel movements. Increasing their production of bile, mainly through herbal medicines, is crucial in balancing their absorption of nutrients and general digestive health.